Business Center Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions

What is the RTD Bidders List and how do I get on it?

RTD投标人名单是一个内部数据库,用于RTD买家寻找和联系企业所需的产品和服务. Fill out this form to get on the bidders list.

How do I find information on current and upcoming RTD projects?

Check the current solicitations regularly. This list includes:

  • Invitations for bids
  • Requests for proposals
  • Upcoming solicitations
  • Awarded contracts
  • 参与项目和合同的其他相关信息.

Whom do I contact to purchase used RTD buses?

RTD buses are sold at auction by Roller and Associates. Please contact Dayton Roller at 303.289.1600 or visit

How do I get information about local associations, organizations, businesses, agencies, and chambers of commerce?

What is OpenGov?

Bonding and Assessment-Related Questions


RTD的分包商绩效自我保险计划适用于投标西部走廊500美元合同的公司,000 or less. Before a company is awarded work under the bonding program, the company will need to be assessed by RTD.


At this time, requiring collateral is not a planned requirement within the Subcontractors Performance Self-Insured Program; however, 想要参与该计划的小企业需要财务稳定. RTD将监控项目参与者,并跟踪支付给供应商和员工的款项.

What else should I know about the program?

有关该计划的更多细节将在RTD选定经纪服务公司后公布. Currently, RTD正在评估参与小额债券替代经纪服务招标的经纪服务公司的提案. 定期查看澳博体育app下载了解项目细节的最新信息.

Certification and Application-Related Questions

Are you accepting applications for the SBE Program?

Please be advised: As of November 15, 2022, RTD will accept and process new applications 作为小企业认证(SBE)计划的一部分,以增加新的SBE认证公司. If you are currently certified with RTD as an SBE, RTD将继续处理您的RTD SBE认证的年度更新和续期.

If you are interested in becoming a RTD SBE Certified Firm, visit 浏览SBE认证申请表格、核对表及更多资料.

During a transitional time, RTD will continue to accept 丹佛市和县以及科罗拉多州交通部(CDOT)颁发的与RTD的SBE认证相当的其他认证将被计入具有SBE目标的项目. RTD暂时接受的本地资助的SBE项目的其他认证有:

RTD的小企业机会办公室继续致力于通过确保遵守设定的目标和提供培训来建设更强大的科罗拉多州经济,以便小型/少数民族/弱势群体/妇女拥有的企业能够在这个竞争激烈的行业中发展壮大. RTD将继续为我们本地资助的项目设定SBE目标,并对具有SBE目标的RTD合同履行RTD SBE认证.

如欲了解更多详情,请致电RTD的小型企业机会办事处 [email protected]


No. RTD认可DBE公司的统一认证计划(由科罗拉多州两个认证机构之一认证的公司:科罗拉多州交通部或丹佛市和县经济发展市长办公室为联邦资助的项目工作). However, RTD administers its own Small Business Enterprise Certification Program to certify firms for work on locally funded projects.

这两个项目的资格要求是相似的. Typically, DBE-certified firms are eligible for SBE certification, but the firm must formally apply for SBE certification.


The Small Business Enterprise (SBE) Certification Program was designed by RTD to help small, minority, 女性拥有的企业增加了她们对当地资助项目的参与.

弱势商业企业(DBE)认证计划是由美国商务部发起的.S. 交通部(DOT)符合联邦法规. DBE认证计划的目的是确保在交通部协助的高速公路合同的授予和管理中不存在歧视, transit, 以及机场财政援助计划,并创造一个公平的竞争环境,使航空公司能够公平地竞争dot资助的合同.

In both programs, 小企业(SBE/DBE)的参与目标建立在有分包机会的项目上. 通过认证,您就有资格满足参与目标的要求. 如果项目是由联邦政府资助的,则必须满足DBE目标要求. 如果项目是本地资助的,则必须满足SBE目标要求.


Can I get SBE certified if my company is a start-up?

Start-up companies are welcome to apply for certification. With your application, 请提供您在申请认证的领域的能力证明文件. Such documentation can include resumes, references, other certification, certificates of completion for training programs, etc.

Why do I need to fill out a Personal Financial Statement?

所有申请人都必须在申请时提交一份个人财务报表. 个人财务报表是必要的,以确定公司所有者的净资产是否属于该计划的指导方针.

Who sees my application and Personal Financial Statement?


How long does it take to process my application?


My SBE certification is expired. How do I renew?

Your SBE Certification can be renewed by completing a New Certification Application.

How long is my certification valid?

Your RTD SBE certification is valid for six (6) years. 每年必须完成年度更新和认证评审,以保持RTD SBE认证. After six (6) years, recertification is required. If the annual update and/or recertification are not completed, SBE认证将到期,公司将被要求重新申请.